YES I am a procrastinator!!! But who said your year end recap needed to get out before the end of the year!? I was too busy celebrating with friends and family!! Anyway – ON WITH IT – here we GO!!
I am one who travels and shares the love of Jesus with the world. I hope that I can simply love people and point them to Jesus along the journey. Whether it is in some foreign land like southern California or the far reaches of the earth where life is simply very “different” than the culture I grew up in.
I do not have it all figured out, but this is my life; the ADVENTURE and JOURNEY I am on. Jesus sent out his disciples to GO and make more disciples; I am living to do the same!
the JOURNEY of 2010
-a quick overview-
San Diego, CA. Los Angeles, CA. Kona, HI. NEW ZEALAND.
New Zealand.
New Zealand.
New Zealand.
New Zealand.
NEW ZEALAND DTS LECTURE PHASE: 35 students, & 10 staff JOURNEYing together for 3 months. I always love what the Lord does during the lecture phase. Personally I felt like I learned some lessons that have taken 6 years to really settle in: simply that the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is within me & He has given me everything I need for what He has called me to.
New Zealand. Thailand. India. Turkey.
Tanzania. Kenya. Turkey. Israel.
PASTORAL VISITS: I felt like PAUL traveling to encourage his churches. I prayed specifically for words to share with each team I joined. And they encouraged me just as much as I hopefully encouraged them.
ISRAEL GRADUATION: I feel at home in Israel. Personally during this time I was wrestling with letting go of the AW80 DTS. Letting go of what has been my life for the last 6 years and stepping out into the unknown of the next season ahead!
Israel. Switzerland. LIECHTENSTEIN. Germany. England. New York. Boston. San Diego,CA.
AFTER TRAVEL: I journeyed with some friends, met some new ones and shared some good refreshing times together. A major highlight was seeing my friends James & Bri in BOSTON. Goodtimes with old friends! (I tagged Briana’s photo site below-she’s got some good work)
San Diego, CA. PHOTO ROAD TRIP-Texas, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Arkansas, Texas.
HAMMERS & STRINGS PHOTO TOUR: I was on the road with 2 new friends learning about photography and being a part of a fellow photographers DREAM TOUR of taking his antique piano on the road shooting couples in love (check out CLAYTON AUSTIN’s work at (
Philadelphia. New York. Chicago, IL. Indiana. Michigan. Colorado. California. Hawaii.
RELATIONSHIP: Ministry is relationship. It is always great connecting & reconnecting with friends. Whether from College, YWAM or whatever…I love connecting with people.
YWAM JUBILEE: It was refreshing being a part of YWAM’s 50th anniversary celebration! God confirmed in me that I am in the right place and moving in the right direction.
Kona, HI. San Diego,CA. San Fransisco, CA. San Diego, CA.
FAMILY: I cherish my time with my family.
More or less there are the physical locations of my body during the last 12 months. Most of the time my mind & spirit were there as well.
There were 14 different countries on the list, only 1 of them which I have not been to before. (any guesses?!?!–leave a comment) I also did an extensive amount of travel throughout America this year hitting 13 different states. Maybe some of those were new, I’m not sure.
2010 was a good year. I am excited to be moving on to 2011 and to embrace all the CHANGE that this year will be holding for me. There are many unknowns ahead of me… but I guess I will share more on WHATS NEXT in 2011 in the next segment.
MUCH love to everyone who walked with me in 2010!! Those of you on the road and those of you back “home” prayering and supporting me – I could not do this without you!!
It seems like and interesting country!
2010 was a defining end of one season.
2011 is a defining season with the Lord. ya!
Good job ladies!!! LIECHTENSTEIN was my only new country of 2010. It is a pretty small place. You could totally miss it if you blink to long. TOP GEAR, the British car show, once mentioned LIECHTENSTEIN though!!