I recently completed a 3 month internship at the Taurunga House of Prayer. It was a time of being set-apart, drawn out, pulled out, called out – to simply BE with the LORD and immersed in the place of HIS PRESENCE. If you are not yet a follower of Jesus these words may sound weird. Let me attempt to share – I feel like GOD, the Uncreated Creator of all things reached down from heaven, grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and pulled me out of everything. Pulled me out of my somewhat “comfortable” traveling life, for a season of simply BEING with HIM. It is like that painting in the Sistine Chapel where Michelangelo paints GOD reaching down and Adam, the symbol of MAN, lackadaisically reaches back. GOd is like that!!! HE actively touches us, reaches for us, desires to be with us! HE reached down and got a massive hold on me once again!
He really does!! I feel like that is a “cop-out” statement in this little world where we seem to hear that phrase a lot. But as I spent countless hours in this Prayer Room, seeking deep spiritual revelation, I kept returning to the place of BEING loved by the GOD who actively reaches down into our lives and shows HIS LOVE. It seemed like no matter what I did, in reading, study, meditation, HE kept bringing me back to the revelation that I AM LOVED. And it feels good to be loved by the GOD who at times can even seem distant… maybe HE seems distant because HE is drawing us out to the desert to meet with us.
I am called, and I cannot run from that. It may be an “UNCONVENTIONAL” calling and that is just fine. I need not try to put myself in any ministry box that I see. HE did not create me in that way. Yet He did set me apart to live an interesting life in ministry. The revelation here may not be completely clear, it may never be, but maybe I just got a slight glimpse of the big picture – enough to keep moving forward.
3. The state of OK
No matter what life brings my way, no matter what storm I face in my soul – I AM GOING TO BE OK!! This is a revolutionary statement in a time when there seems to be nothing but uncertainty in the world. I remember the day when I just dwelt on this idea of BEING OK, I tried to share it with my roommates and emphasize the excitement of BEING OK: it seemed to loose a little ‘ummmph’ as I tried to put words to the excitement of my soul. Even today I hope you here the great excitement I feel about this – THE STATE OF OK!!
May you step into HIS LOVE. May you dive deeper into your own CALLING. And may you have the assurance that EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK.
A Photographic GLIMPSE of the last few months:
A typical Friday night in the House of Prayer. Intercession & Worship centered around JESUS.
Connecting with the LOCAL CHURCHES – coming together on EASTER.
YWAM New Zealand FAMILY Gathering – it was sooooooo good to connect with the YWAM Family for a great few days!
Me in a field….posing for this photo. Weekend FISHing trip with a couple buddies!!
AWAKEN INTERNSHIP GRADUATION: It was nice to be on the student side of a graduation for once 🙂
Staff & Students celebrating together the completion of a good 3 month season!!
some of the boys!!
The YWAM OXFORD friend connection in TAURANGA!!
[side-note: I didn’t really take any photos of myself praying – so I hope you have enjoyed these shots and get a glimpse of the last few months being a part of this praying community]
Awesome bro. Love it. You’re a legend.
So cool, Will. I love to see the faces of those who love God and I really love your face, my Son!! I am thankful to God for you.
So good to see these pictures and take a trip down memory lane. What a crazy little trip that was. I like the part about being OK. Good word Will.