I sit here on this sunny Wednesday afternoon. I feel like life is shifting. Shifting gears. Moving forward. Preparing to GO. To move on. To hit the road. TRAVEL. International. Local. RELATIONSHIP.
More and more I realize my life, my vocation, my time is spent best on relationships. Communicating (well, attempting to), drinking coffee with people. Discussing the thing we call life. FAITH and LIFE. This is my VOCATION.
“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
Do you ever search for travel quotes?!?! I found this one today and I like it. I am sure some people disagree with a passion for travel, but the more I live the more I keep telling myself it is OK to BE DIFFERENT. It is OK to follow my heart, even if that does not seem to be the “sensible” path.
Maybe I am writing this because a part of me still does not believe that I can keep traveling and following my heart, living the way I feel the LORD has led me to live. Maybe sometimes we need friends in our lives to affirm us in our identities, even if they may appear drastically different than theirs.
I like the true friends in my life. The ones who seem to actually “get” me, even when I feel the rest of the world may not “get” me.
For now I will continue to share these thoughts with the world, and not let these blogs remain in my “drafts” folder forever.
Enjoy the JOURNEY of your life today, whether it seems “mundane” or “extreme,” keeping living and living well in your current situation.
Will, thank you for this post. I have struggled a majority of my life of what I feel I should do and what I feel is expected of me. The expected has most always won out. My heart longs to go out into the world and see why God has placed this sense of adventure inside of me but I continually feel the need to live the life of a responsible, married, 30 year old- even if my wife would much rather by a plane ticket and trust than live a life facing a 401k and a white pocket fence. If this is the life you feel called to then go and do. I don’t believe we are all called to this ‘normal’ life, some of us are called to a different path. Go and do, and we will pray for you.