It was 3 years ago.
I found myself “home” in southern California with no “exit” plane ticket in hand. This had not happened for 7 years.
I moved in with my sister, brother in law, and 2 year old nephew (at the time). I remember buying the biggest shampoo and conditioner bottles I had purchased in a long time. You see when you are constantly moving you don’t need to drag around full sized bottles of the stuff. Often you just end up using someone else’s anyway.
As I looked at an almost empty shampoo bottle in my new little bathroom I was taken back in time. Back to those first weeks of being stateside. Not knowing what was next, just having a feeling that I needed to be “home.” To be present in America for my family…. My life is gravely different now than it was then.
then my dad was alive ————————————————— now he is dead
then I was single ———————————————————— now I am married with a child on the way
then plans stretched 6 months out at most ————————- now pretty much the same
then a different country every couple weeks ————————— now a different city every couple days….
. …yet with a solid home base in San Diego
then buying a “big” shampoo bottle meant change ——————– now we are buying his and hers
What triggers memories? Or what marks new seasons? Transitions. Change….honestly I am doing well . I have a lot going for me right now, but sometimes when I stop and reflect it feels like I am just holding on for the ride. Life happens whether or not you are ready for it.
I hope you can connect with this simple shampoo bottle. For me it was a time warp and an invitation to take a moment to process, reflect and thank God for His PRESENCE in my journey. Sometimes life is freaking hard. Even as I conclude this thought tears come to my eyes. I often keep trucking away and pressing on to what is in front of me; knowing that God is with me in my pain as well as my joy. The last 3 years have been full of much of both and for that I am truly grateful. Honestly it would be very boring if we simply navigated life through a state of numbness.
May you feel the fullness of life today.
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