February 6, 2016
all you have are excuses (time to DREAM AGAIN)
This blog is not really about travel at all. It is about LIFE and choosing a journey that is truly yours. One that is not your parents, or the societal norm set by someone else for your life. There is not one right path to take.
Believe me I have met some people old in age who did what they were suppose to do in life and they are not happy. Yes “happy” is a very relative word/concept but the point is — DO NOT SETTLE.
Do not let money hold you back from the pursuit of your dreams. The money will come and you will be ok. I traveled around the world for seven years virtually non-stop, living on an income that was on par with the american poverty level. No I did not have the nicest accommodations each night or a 401K I was building up. But I was living a dream.
I spoke out a dream and it manifested. I never envisioned going to nearly fifty countries before the age of thirty, I didn’t even take my first real international trip till I was twenty years old.
SPEAK it out. Write it out. If you have no freakin idea what I am talking about when I ask that question, it is time for you to stop what you are doing. STOP right now!! Put down the computer or devise or whatever, grab a cup of coffee, tea or something — coffee is great cause it gets your mind going, and sit down and start to WRITE. Just WRITE something.
But you don’t know what to write, write the word D R E A M ….DREAM…. yep keep writing it.
Do not stop….. keep going …. DrRRReeeEEEEEeeaaAAAAAAaaamMMm…. I bet at some point that word will change and evolve into some other words. Hopefully the words of some deep dreams will begin to fill the page. (this is called a creative exercise)
The thing is, whatever season of life we find ourselves in, WE CAN DREAM. Whatever the context, whatever the burden we carry, yes we all carry burdens — family, kids, caring for elderly family, career, whatever it may be — DREAMING is still healthy. The act of dreaming refreshes the soul and will feed life into every aspect of your day to day.
May these words encourage you along your journey today. May they inspire you to look within and rediscover something that makes you come alive. Take a chance and DREAM again.
CREATIVE EXERCISE SIDE-NOTE — if you can, use an actual pen and paper vs. the computer. Using the dexterity of your hand, a pen or pencil, real paper — all these things will help connect to the right side of your mind and help you to create outside of your normal thinking.
workout side-note — I did about 46 pushups today, until my 15 month old daughter climbed on me and would not stop laughing. 46 is better than 0. 🙂
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