February 5, 2016
This basically picked up where yesterday’s blog left off.
I see life in seasons. At some point I want to write a book about each decade of life. For me each one was marked by different things.
Childhood. Foundations, family, sports, learning to ride a bike…. and crashing such bike, etc.
The early years of adolescence. Transition into teen hood. More identity shaping, learning, etc.
Twenties. College, traveling, discovery, art. This was by far the most formational time in my short existence here on earth. It was a pivotal time of my identity taking shape and my future course being somewhat plotted.
Maybe my twenties seemed so pivotal because they were the last season that I was in before this current journey of being in my thirties. I always seem to be leaning on the lessons from the previous season as I move forward.
Our culture fails us with the idea that WE ARRIVE. It seems to tell us that all we have to do is X then Y then Z and then we will arrive. It is often at that point of perceived arrival that people realize they are empty, unfulfilled, and somewhat un-happy. (yes happiness is a relative term, but I think you get my drift.)
I have this feeling that every time I get the sense of “arrival” it is usually time to build another floor. Time for promotion or movement. Usually it means you are right back at the perceived bottom, yet you are higher and farther along than ever. If we learn to ride these ups and downs in life as a lifelong learner, we will walk in a more fulfilled existence.
Recently I wrote a letter to someone I work with. As I wrote this e-mail I found a word to describe what motivates me; PURPOSE. It would be very difficult for me to work a job simply to get a paycheck. Yes a paycheck is a purpose, we all need to eat, but I can not settle only for food. Most of what I have done with myself in my adult life I would have done for free. I have chosen some rear routes to fulfillment, but one common denominator to it all has been PURPOSE. Impacting someones life with hope, or joy, or simply a smile is a much greater reward to me than shiny stuff like trophies or plagues.
What are you chasing? What ladder do you find yourself climbing? Are you fulfilled? Are you learning from the previous season? Or do you feel stuck in eighth grade, and feel there is no way to move on?!
(fitness-note – today was basically a rest day after travel… so basically what I’m saying is nothing fitness related really happened.)
Love this one will!!