The creative challenge is set. One blog a day for each day of the month. The purpose is to create structure to be creative. To challenge myself to post something each day. To “force” myself to get something out there each and every day.
I recently heard this quote:
“Perfect is the enemy of good” — Voltaire.
Sometimes we withhold from creating anything because it is not perfect. I have often felt this paralysis in my own art, or writing or anything that I attempt to pursue. I am a dreamer and some dreams need to get voiced out and need to just die and others need to be pursued. Art, writing, communicating….. I guess it can all fit in the “DREAM” category and is something that is to be pursued.
So here I am, planning on creating some good stuff each and every day. There may be some bad stuff that gets in there as well. It may or may not not be read by many, that ultimately is not the point. The more and more I dig into the creative realm the more and more I discover that sometimes it is simply about creating. I recently saw a video on Van Gough — he created thousands of art pieces before even selling just one. What if he would have just thrown in the towel, because his facebook feed only got 32 likes?!?! The point with this exercise is to simply create.
What do the blogs need to be?! Whatever they are. Whatever I create that day. Thoughts, images, videos, poetry, a last minute thought before midnight that has to be shared!! The goal is to get something out there each and every day. Sorry in advance if some of them suck, it is bound to happen, but I guarantee, one blog each day for the next 29…. unless I fail…. which would be lame. Here goes.
sidenote: today I squeezed in a workout between work meetings – it felt good. (each day I will most likely include a workout note – this is another area of discipline for the month.)
double sidenote — it is 10:47–and my goal was to simply write this 1st Feb post and get it up in no time. I had been thinking and doodling about it for a while now and knew it would be a simple one. But once I went to upload the photo to the post — it just all freaked out!! And I cannot get the photo uploaded….. I am going to just post this anyway and hopefully get the photo up soon… due to the structure of this blog – photos are key!! ahhhh I guess an old and slightly tired word press needs some updates to function strong again – hopefully this will be resolved in the next 24 hours and the FEB creative challenge will charge ahead. There you go for creative challenge #1 — maybe it is all a part of the exercise!!! POSTING IT ANYWAY.
——> problem fixed — photo added! boom!
We love your creativity Will! Can’t wait to see what is birthed. Highly doubt they will “suck” though.