I am a big fan of questioning it all.
Of asking WHY to everything we find ourselves doing in LIFE.
I am not one to just go with the flow and do what everyone else seems to be doing.
I guess in a lot of ways I am a little weird… but actually I am ok with that.
I would rather BE me, even if that means being a little different than everyone else.
Sometimes this makes me the coolest guy at the party, other times I feel like I am the weirdest guy in the room. Oh well!!!
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — SOCRATES
Question everything. Sometimes we are afraid to question things. Wether it is a belief system, societal system, family system, way of life, or an authority figure in our lives, we often are afraid of the potential for tension. No one wants to be wrong, or get in trouble, thus many just stay in line and never ask the questions that are within them.
The only way to learn is to QUESTION things.
To ask the hard questions.
To step into uncertainty and learn that it is ok.
Most of this questioning, and in turn character shaping, happens in the early twenties. For me, some of my biggest growth was between age 18-25. (this thought led to a whole page on college/uni and may be a future blog)
Yet if this questioning, this seeking does not happen in those exploratory years, later in life there may be a crisis or breakdown of whatever belief system was in place.
Honestly I think the crisis is good. I almost get excited when someone shares with me that they are having a crisis of belief or relationship or vocation. I get excited for the potential growth that can happen. It is in the TENSION that there is potential for growth. (insert analogy of how muscles grow — it is through TENSION!)
I long to be a LIFELONG LEARNER. To continue growing, learning and asking questions. Often this involves tension and sometimes I makes things harder than they need to be, but in the macro scream of things, it ultimately takes me to a deeper experience of life and joy.
So LEARN!! Ask QUESTIONS. Have deep, weird conversations about philosophy, life, faith, death, the world we live in. Solve all of the problems over a tasty beverage of choice with a close friend and do not hold back.
This beautiful little lady is my 15 month old daughter and the photo was taken today at the beach.
Great blog, Will. You have a unique gift of embracing who you are and the beauty of who God designed you to be. Many people spend their whole lives fighting against who they are and they miss the whole essence of their own creation. I love who you are and I am blessed to be your Mom!