That thing holding me back.
But I say I am fearless!!
I look fear in the face and say f&$k you!! no Fear…
But do I?!
I mean really.
Like look at my action…. or rather inaction.
It’s actually the INACTION that seems to be a killer.
That is where the FEAR seems to lie.
Slipping into the space of holding back.
Hindering the seemingly gigantic step of action.
In reality, it is just another step on the journey of success.
Another step — the same distance as the previous step and the same distance as the next step.
One step at a time.
I know this.
I do.
Yet, shifting is tough.
Shaking the self out of the rut.
Shaking off the invisible shackles of fear.
(sing “shake it off” by Taylor… or maybe not, for the sake of anyone in earshot)
Shake it off.
Shake off that fear monkey.
The invisible demon of “stuckness.”
(sidenote — there is a lot of booty shaking in that Taylor video — I guess when you’re shakin’ it, you don’t care what people think and the fear monkey leaves — in that act of dance, you are free)
Shake it off — BE free.
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